Winslow Rojas

I'm Winslow Rojas, and I go by He/They/It (If you must choose, He/Him)! I'm a proud Latino artist!

In a sentence, how would you describe your work?
My work is a mixture of the whimsical and the strange!

Do you have any favorite themes you enjoy working with?
I enjoy horror and fantasy!

What mediums do you like to work in?
I mainly use digital, but I dabble in traditional mediums such as pencil, marker and paints.

Do you have a dream project you'd like to work on someday?
My dream is to help make kids books. And puppets!

What drew you to the imagery of the chimera? 
I always adored those emblem beasts, such as the lion and the unicorn. So I thought I'd do that but with a chimera!

Can you talk a little about your design process? Where do you draw your inspiration from, and how do you work shop your design from draft to final? 
I take inspiration from simplicity and shapes, sketching the piece first then using the pen tool in Photoshop to color in the piece!

Do you have a favorite feature of the sock design? 
I must say, the ermine pattern really brings out the beast! 

Ankle or crew socks for preference? 
Both! I'm not picky!

For more of Winslow's art, visit his portfolio or Instagram!